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Immigrants in the Bible: Scriptures About Strangers Living in Israel
Politics these days often focus on immigration. With the rise of President Trump, this subject receives substantially more attention than many others. He has his talking points. His supporters do as well....
4 best books on marriage
The 4 Best Books on Marriage
Many volumes discuss what makes a marriage healthy and godly. Some are better than others. Whether you have been married for years or plan on getting married in the future, here is my list of the 4 best...
abolish the law
Abolish the Law... or Nah? Harmonizing Jesus and Paul on Torah
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17, emphasis added). Jesus said this early in his...
Salt and Light: Living the Gospel Changes the World
Continuing through the Sermon on the Mount, we come to possibly the most preached-on section: being Salt and Light. This has to do with the effect believers can have on the world around them when they...
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